Football star Tim Tebow’s foundation sponsors an annual, world wide prom for adults with special needs. Held in hundreds of cities around the world spanning 30 nations – I had the good fortune of being at the Quad Cities event at the Tax Slayer Center in Moline, Illinois. (I’m in love with the name of the arena. Remember kids, #TaxationIsTheft ).
This is the kind of thing I get to do at my 9-5 gig with YOLI Better Body System. It’s a sweet situation. We were in the Quad Cities area for another business function; some of our members were involved in this wonderful charity and invited us to join up for the night.

The even was massive, hosting over 700 special needs guests. Each guest was given a raucous red carpet entrance. A local TV personality MC’ed the arrival of the guests, announcing each one by name, lauding how beautiful they looked.

They proceeded down a red carpet, surrounded by a cheering crowd and paparazzi style photographers. To say the crowd were volunteers would to bely the spirit of the wildly enthusiastic cheers.

Local pageant queens and ROTC officers greeted guests as they exited the red carpet and made their way to the dance floor. Young people were out in force this night, helping make the guests feel special.

A DJ played; being sponsored by two local churches, care was taken to make sure the music was “clean”, as my orthodox Mormon mother is fond of saying. Mom would have approved. Guests were treated to more food and treats than anyone really could eat. The dance floor was full of enthusiastic dance partners.

Toward the end of the night, Tim Tebow appeared on a giant screen and shared a message with the crowd, expressing love and wishes for an amazing night for all – including an announcement that everyone there would be crowned king and queen of the prom.

I was particularly impressed with Miss Teen Quad Cities, Olivia Egert. I got the impression that she felt legitimately honored to crown each new prom king and queen. Her elegance of character was inspiring.

Aside from Burning Man, this was the single most compelling, largest scale display of human goodness I’ve ever seen. It’s a privilege to be in the midst of a couple of thousand people who are in the pure and unique state of happiness that comes from serving, and being served a night of beauty for it’s own sake.