Soul / sōl / noun: 1. The spiritual principle embodied in human beings 2. A person’s total self
Anarch /ˈanärk’/ noun: 1. a leader or advocate of self ruling. 2. A master of chaos. 3. One self possessed and intent to define themselves as unruled.
-ist /‘ist’/ noun suffix: 1. One that adheres to or advocates a doctrine or system or code of behavior 2. Characteristic of a thing.

The Soul Anarchist Podcast is a show about living life on your own terms. Guests tend to be from the world of music, authors, spirituality, entrepreneurship, sexuality, motorcycling, etc. Hosted and produced by Paul Duane.
Deep House / Progressive House – Paul Duane is a DJ, focused on these styles. His sets incorporate visual aspects, as well as frequent spoken word pieces from some of his favorite philosophers, comedians, and thinkers.
Photography – Paul Duane is a photographer, specializing in beauty, boudoir, and fine art portraiture, with an emphasis on black and white work.
Paul Duane is available for photography assignments and DJ performances domestically and internationally. Please send an email with as much details as possible, we’ll get back to you promptly.