3. breaking the news to Mom
I’ve done a lot of nerve-racking things in my life –
Stand up comedy,
Going out in public in pantyhose and high heels,
Riding my bike naked through the streets of Portland, Continue Reading
I’ve done a lot of nerve-racking things in my life –
Stand up comedy,
Going out in public in pantyhose and high heels,
Riding my bike naked through the streets of Portland, Continue Reading
Today is Father’s Day. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than tell you for a moment about the the bad-assery of the OG Duane. Some of you may know that Duane is not my last name, it’s my middle name, my father’s first name. I go by “Paul Duane” for a couple of reasons, one of which, is to pay tribute to my Dad with my work. Continue Reading
I grew up with a disabled father. I’ll explain more about how it in an upcoming chapter – for now, it’s enough to say that I didn’t have a “normal” Dad growing up.
My Dad’s condition created it’s own gravity in our family. His disability limited the kinds of jobs he could take, necessitating my mother working, and placing us in that “we have the essentials but nothing more, and barely” socioeconomic status. My Dad’s situation often put me in the position of… Continue Reading
Brothers, sisters, and everyone in between-
I have a tale to tell, and I’ve committed myself to the sharing of it.
Of all the story worthy adventures I’ve had, this is by far the most important one, because it’s about the core of who I am and the humans that raised me, and where I’m going.
This story is about the essence of my family culture — but don’t worry. I know you really don’t care about an exhaustive family history, so I’m going to keep that shit very brief — barely enough to set the stage. Continue Reading
https://youtu.be/BhUv7a8HQHU Memories from Burning Man 2017. Trying to explain what Burning Man is, visually, or with words, is like peeping through a pinhole at the night sky and trying to describe the heavens.
I give to you a tale of heartbreak, and healing, and good coffee: Fall 2015 We initially met on one of the dating apps. Our efforts to take it past the electronic phase were unremarkable. I was scheduled to be… Continue Reading
Do you ever find yourself listening to someone talk, and it’s painfully obvious that they are choosing their words so carefully that they start feeling inauthentic? Have you ever caught yourself being that person? I have a listener named “Red” … Continue Reading
In 2013, I did a project called “3 Things: The Collected Wisdom of Burners at Burning Man 2013“. It proved to be such an awesome experience, both on, and off the Playa, that I decided to do a follow up… Continue Reading
Porta Potties are an integral part of the Burning Man experience. Obviously. One must piss and shit. One must also leave no trace on the desert floor… that’s one of the 10 Principles of Burning Man. Hence, porta potties. One… Continue Reading
Ladies, Gentlemen, Everyone in between… I’ve been home from Burning Man for a MONTH now and I’m just now getting some words ready to share. I’ve tried to write an account of Burning Man a hundred and seventeen times, and… Continue Reading