Conatct your representatives in Washington today and demand that they, too, demand diplomatic resolution to the Ukranian / Russian conflict. 

No more proxy wars to enrich the Military Industrial Complex. 

Contact your representatives in Congress TODAY.  Use this tool to get their contact info. Enter your zip code, and links to email them will pop up. It’s super easy. 

Flood their offices with phone calls and emails demanding diplomacy and a cessation of financial support of the proxy war with Russia. 


Not sure what to say? Here’s some sample text:

Dear ______, 

I am one of your constituents. I live at _________. 

The United States is in a unique position to compel a peaceful diplomatic resolution to the Ukrainian / Russian conflict. We are all aware that this is a proxy war with Russia, and the only benefactors of this war are the Military Industrial Complex, and those who have investments within it. If you have such investments, we will be tracking your movements on this issue very closely and will hold you accountable at the polls.

