President Biden has created a new office called the “Disinformation Governance Board”. It is attached to the Department of Homeland Security. This new law enforcement agency is charged with patrolling the internet and society in order to tamp down “misinformation”.  Nina Jankowicz has been tapped to lead the new bureau.  I trust that you understand the grave nature of this development, and why it must be immediately stopped. 

While I’m not a huge fan of Fox News, I just needed something to give you an overview of what’s going on. All of the leftist news sources are being completely dismissive of anyone who is concerned about it. Therefore, I think Fox is closer to accurate than the left. As soon as I find a better news clip overview, I’ll post it here.

Cringey style aside, from what I can tell, Tucker gets the facts right here:  

Contact your representatives in Congress TODAY.  Use this tool to get their contact info. Enter your zip code, and links to email them will pop up. It’s super easy. 

Flood their offices with phone calls and emails demanding that do everything in their power to stop and / or reverse the creation of this Orwellian, dystopian government agency. 


Not sure what to say? Here’s some sample text:

Dear ______, 

I am one of your constituents. I live at _________. 

I am gravely concerned about the creation of the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board. This is an obvious affront to constitutionally protected free speech. Please do everything in your power to object to, derail, or otherwise reverse this development. We the voters will be watching how you handle this crucial issue. 

Thank you for your time and thank you in advance for protecting our Constitutional Rights. 



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