A fine art black & white quadriptych photograph of the Salt Lake City LDS (Mormon) Temple, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Photograph by Paul Duane.
"Reconsiderations" by Paul Duane

At some point, it stopped making sense. 

I grew up revering this building and it’s many secrets. I counted the days before I could enter, receive my “endowments”, and learn the secrets of life that were promised to exist in the sacred & secret Mormon Temple rituals. This rite of passage was one of the most anticipated moments of my life. 

Fast forward 10 years – I never would have imagined that I’d be on the other side, seeing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Temple, and my own family culture, in such a different light. 

There’s something here that’s worth keeping, but the pieces most certainly do not fit neatly together anymore. 


“Reconsiderations” is a quadriptych photograph of the Salt Lake City LDS Temple. It  was made via 4 separate exposures on Kodak T-Max 400 Black & White film, loaded in a Holga 120 format camera. 

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