2019 June 1 Journal

Messengers are appearing this week. 

Thurs night: I had several people say to me, “You have blown up. You have built yourself a great empire. Your brand is awesome”

Friday: Jake Garn called to chat about a few things, specifically said how much he loves the branding I’ve done.  We talked about doing some photo workshops, but more importantly, we talked about comedy. While talking to him I realized that it’s high time to get back to some comedy, but from a place of love and light. The Sunday Night Burn is the perfect spot for me to practice and share some comedy again. I emailed Poplar St Pub to see if we can reserve the fire pit area again one of these Sunday Nights. I’m picturing a 3 of us doing 5 minute sets around the fire, and then me sharing the Sun Nite burn message. Going LIVE on FB. A dozen or two people crammed in there and huddled around the fire.   One thing is for sure – I’ve always envisioned doing comedy sets along the way as I travel the show around.  

Everything is falling into place. I’m feeling really good.  I mean, the work is still WORK, and there are a dozen things I’m afraid of and I still feel resistance… but in the quiet places, I feel really calm, centered, and solid in what’s happening here. It’s like I’ve spent 6 years stumbling around to now, finally, find my groove. 

Finally picked up bolts from Rev at Salt City Builds. “Just bring your bike in. We’ll put it up on the lift and get it figured out. Electrical on UJM’s is my specialty.”

I’ve been resisting the idea of taking it to the shop because of money and some idea I have in my head about wanting to get it all fixed up myself…. 

But it’s not happening. 

The riding of the bike is more important than the self flagellation of trying to figure it all out myself. 

I accept the help, and I trust that a way to pay for the help will arrive. 

This morning, I woke up to the nicest message from Russ:

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Ok. I have to go get my walk in and get the bike ready to take to the shop. 

Oh… and one other thing…. I cannot get writing off of my mind. 

Lyft is sucking so badly. I am wasting my life trying to make that work. It just seems to get progressively worse.  In Philly, it will make a ton of sense, as the additional value of networking and having a car out there will be tremendously beneficial…. But here at home, that value exchange is a bit different.   Anyway. I was writing about writing. 

I think it’s time to fire up the blog and make full access to it the feature of my basic Patreon level. 

As much as I love the idea of creating a printed newsletter and mailing it out…. It’s so not happening right now. It COULD, but it’s just not. I get to find ways to derive more value from the valuable activities I already engage in…. Like journaling every day. 

It’s time to step into the flow. 


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