traveling in style

In December 2019, I traveled to Ft Lauderdale, Florida for work. I decided to travel in style – for me, that meant a custom tailored grey pinstripe suit with matching shorts, dress shirt, tie, nude pantyhose and heels.

A week after returning home, I started getting notifications about a video of me that had gone viral.  A guy from New York saw me in the Ft. Lauderdale Airport at baggage claim. He took 15 seconds of video of me waiting for my luggage and posted it to TikTok.  From there, the video has been reposted to other social media accounts, most notably an ultra conservative woman named Gretchen Smith. She posted the Tik Tok video and from there, it went viral, picking up 7 million views over the course of 3 days.   My Twitter account went from 1300 followers to nearly 12,000 in those 3 days.

From there, numerous news sources picked up the story and ran with it. Below are links to the ones I became aware of. Some of them are pretty funny.

As of Feb 27 2020, the video has over 9 million views that I’m aware of: 7.2 M on Twitter, 300 K on one Tik Tok account, and 1.7 M on another Tik Tok account. Funny stuff, my friends.

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