2019 May 28 Journal
I haven’t even written about this since it happened…
I didn’t get the TEDxSLC talk.
As I’ve said on a few occasions, I’m ok with that version of reality, as it frees up my summer and focus to just manifest my journey.
I’m very disappointed.
I gave it my best effort and it wasn’t accepted, which kind of blows.
But here’s the deepest part – on some level,[ppp_patron_only level=”5″ silent=”no”]
I just KNEW I had it –
And that turned out false.
You just never know, man.
I guess the only thing I can count on is my own adaptability.
“He knows changes aren’t permanent, but change is”
Oh well.
My podcast will prove to be vastly bigger platform than TEDxSLC
That just came out of my brain and fingers, didn’t it? I almost deleted it. I saw it come out and then thought… “no dude, that’s crazy. How can that be?
And then I caught the voice talking and kept the sentence.
I do not know exactly how that can be, but I accept that it can be.
Yesterday was completely nuts
I stayed up super late drinking beer and talking on the phone to Christine Meeks on Mon night.
[/ppp_patron_only]Woke up with a hangover on Tues morning. Had to get up early to go meet Hunter Allan for a much anticipated photo shoot and podcast interview. I felt like such shit… I was getting all sweaty from the hangover and from concentration while we were shooting… my mind was kind of slow and foggy in our interview. We did get A FEW really great images. Lately I’ve been struggling to find good light. It’s been so frustrating.
After our shoot, I had thai for lunch. The people at Sawadee Thai are so gracious. Yesterday I thought they were anxious for me to get out of there, but then they brought me a rice milk & jack fruit desert, complimentary. It was the best lunch… really nourished my body. Between the fresh veggies, meats, curry spices, and ice water, I could feel my body thanking me for the good nourishment.
I was on my way to pick up a scheduled Lyft ride – I had been talking with Esther. I had this thought… I’m going to send her a pic of my legs in my car and caption it, “I always wonder what people think when they get in my car and I’m dressed like this….”
I then picked up a Lyft rider. He was so infatuated with what I was wearing, was rubbing my leg, pulling my shirt up to see the pockets on my shorts, being too intrusive to the point where I had to say, “dude, no”. He then started talking about how he loves to drive long distances without any pants on, and upon dropping him off, was inviting / trying to persuade me into driving around with him without any pants on.
….and yes. He’s a single 33 yr old sexually confused semi-mormon guy.
It frightens me to think that we live in a world where this guy is common. In other news, I got a really nice compliment from a new listener, someone I picked gave a Lyft ride to the other night:
I then hit a pigeon on the highway. It was flying across and hit my windshield. I’ve never hit a pigeon before. It had a certain kind of thud to it. I’m guessing it weighed about 6 ounces. Not quite half a pound of flesh at 55 mph. It was kind of startling.
And then signs started appearing –
Earlier this week, Rachel told me about a thrift shop in town called “the other Side”, a thrift boutique run by ex cons. “The place reeks of people who give a shit”, she said. She said it was th most inspiring shopping experience she’s ever had. As she laid out her experience with it, I could see walking in there with cameras rolling, to produce a short doc about the place. I’m going to hit up Steve about it.
And then on my way to a coffee appointment, I found myself driving behind the delivery truck for The Other Side:
I had coffee with Adam Butcher, the friend that Linda Gregerson introduced me to. For 3 hours he unfolded his story of being a recently paroled sex offender. Spent 3.5 yrs in prison. He talked about how he transformed prison into his sanctuary. It was unreal. As he laid it all out, I could see a whole season of shows about his story.
I’m going to do a mini-season of shows with Adam before I leave for Philly. Absolutely. It’s just so obvious. Pre-production has begun. We are meeting again next tues to go over some notes.
Yesterday was a fascinating day in the 801.