2019 June 29 Journal
2019 June 29 Journal I got a message from [the woman I’m seeing] last night inviting me to join her at a party downtown if things got slow. Things were indeed slow, so I joined her. Made my way… Continue Reading
2019 June 29 Journal I got a message from [the woman I’m seeing] last night inviting me to join her at a party downtown if things got slow. Things were indeed slow, so I joined her. Made my way… Continue Reading
Not a lot to say today. I’m not feeling the blog / writing thing at the moment. I don’t know why…. Other than, I tend to go numb before something really good happens. That’s probably it. ugh. What dogs teach… Continue Reading
2019 June 25 Journal God. I went out driving last night, ended up with a ride that took me way out to Farmington, I really didn’t have the energy for it but I took it anyway. The guy was a… Continue Reading
Just got this message from one of my followers today: ….which is just so lovely to hear. Seriously. So cool. But the very best of all….. I got this message from Makelle last night: Anyway. That was the coolest thing… Continue Reading
2019 June 23 Journal Just got this message from one of my followers today: ….which is just so lovely to hear. Seriously. So cool. But the very best of all….. I got this message from Makelle last night: Anyway. That… Continue Reading
I went on a walk today. Eventually I found a tree stump to sit on…. … and stare at the sky…. 15 minutes …. ….later, I realized how stoned I was. 😁
As I was sitting down to work tonight, I looked at the scene that is my desk and realized – I’ve become my Dad, in a couple of ways: My father was a cave dweller. He had a wood shop in… Continue Reading
The situation: Father’s Day 2017. We are concluding a visit to my sister Camille. An out of tune piano sits in the corner of the baggage claim area of the Mesa AZ airport. My daughter Makelle and I have had… Continue Reading
2019 June 14 Journal I’m going to put myself on a 3 week countdown to be ready to hit the road. What this means: Finances are in place to be sustained on the road indefinitely Bike travel accessories are obtained… Continue Reading
Magick was never meant to be science:So often I’ve wanted to reduce her curves, shadows, folds, ebbs and flows into concretes, forms, and right angles-To abide with the feminine is to release attachments to certainty. To know that I AM, and… Continue Reading